De Beers requires that each and every supplier operates strictly within the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, and requires further written guarantees that the diamonds .
De Beers Propaganda. April 10, 2008 2. Kimberly Process: From Conflict Diamonds to Prosperity Diamonds.
De Beers ist im Kimberley Proze�, den die Ziele, zum der Konfliktdiamanten vom Weltdiamanten zu beseitigen flie�t, und in der Diamant-Entwicklung Initiative (DDI) aktiv. [17]
De Beers states that 100% of the diamonds it now sells are conflict-free and that all De Beers diamonds are purchased in compliance with national law, the Kimberley Process .
Offizielle Website Kimberley Process (englisch) Einzelnachweise
Since the induction of the Kimberly Process, De Beers has worked to develop the infrastructure for the tracking and certification of stones produced within the cartel 6.
UN in the greatest diamond "price-fixing" cartel ever.The failure of mainstream media, particularly in Namibia, to report the truth about Oppenheimer/De Beers diamond .
Der Diamantenindustrie
SURAT: Prices of rough diamonds by De Beers and Alrosa in January 2012 in the diamond city saw a decline between 6% and 10%, especially in the low range category .
De Beers group on the Kimberley Process ( Amnesty International on the Kimberley Process ( .
According to the company, all De Beers diamonds are purchased in compliance with national law, the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme [36] and its own Diamond Best Practice .
De Beers has played a pivotal role in the development of the Kimberley Process which prevents infiltration of conflict diamonds into legitimate trade through certification and .
De Beers Diamanten Hollywood Kimberley-Prozess Medico International Mehler Monopol System Zentralafrikanische Republik Zertifikate
Kimberley Process According to DeBeers, "Every diamond in De Beers Diamond Jewellery is conflict-free and child labor free. De Beers is aware of the problem of conflict diamonds and .
De Beers states that 100% of the diamonds it now sells are conflict-free and that all De Beers diamonds are purchased in compliance with national law, the Kimberley Process .
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The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme received an important statement of encouragement by the world
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